Sports Premium
In April 2013, the Department for Education announced new funding of £150 million to support the delivery of PE and school sport. Funding is being allocated to all state-maintained secondary, primary, middle and special schools (including non-maintained special schools), academies and pupil referral units with primary aged pupils.
We are using our Sport Premium to improve the quality of PE and Sport provision in the following ways:
- Hiring professional sports coaches to teach the children different sports during curriculum time and during after school clubs.
- Procuring quality assured professional training for staff to raise their confidence and competence in teaching PE and sport through the Active Wandsworth Initiative.
- Providing cover staff to release teachers for professional development in PE and sport.
- Supporting regular sports tournaments, festivals and competitions for pupils of all ages.
- Entering children into different leagues and competitions organised by the Putney Primary Sports Association or Wandsworth Sports Development.
- Accessing specialist gymnastics and dance coaches.
- Developing a partnership programme with Roehampton University to give their teaching students regular opportunities to lead PE lessons supported by our teachers and coaches.
- Purchasing new equipment for the school so that the children can develop their skills further in PE lessons.
- Purchasing new equipment to improve the diversity of after-school clubs available.
- Purchasing more sports equipment for use during playtimes such as basketball hoops, goal posts, climbing walls and wall targets.
- Purchasing ASA Kellogg’s Rainbow Swimming Awards to promote reaching National Curriculum targets for swimming.
- Supporting parents by covering additional costs (for coaches to swimming lessons) to ensure ALL children have access to a wider range of sporting/PE opportunities.
- Purchasing and maintaining equipment to ensure access to quality PE provision for children with disabilities.
To read a copy of our full Sports Premium statement (including spending breakdowns) please click here