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School Uniform

Items with the school logo are available from www.stitchdesign.co.uk: 

All children are expected to wear the school uniform, as follows:

YEAR 1 - 6

WINTER  White shirt, school tie and navy pinafore/skirt
White shirt, school tie and grey trousers
School logo jumper/cardigan
Reversible Fleece/Rain Mac (optional)
School hat 



Red and white striped dress (no checks
White shirt, school tie and grey shorts
School sunhat or plain red or blue cap/hat

Shoes should be black and be appropriate for school use.  No open toe sandals.

Socks should be either white with summer dresses or grey or black with shorts or trousers. In addition tights worn with the winter uniform should be may red or navy blue.

Coats/anoraks should be plain black or navy and waterproof.

Coats, hats and scarfs must not be associated with any sports teams eg football team scarfs


WINTER      Red school polo shirt 
School sweatshirt/cardigan
Navy tracksuit bottoms
Reversible Fleece/Rain Mac (optional)
School hat 



Navy shorts 

Red and white striped dress (no checks)

School sunhat or plain red or blue cap/hat


WINTER      Red school polo shirt and navy pinafore or skirt
Red school polo shirt and grey trousers
School sweatshirt/cardigan
Reversible Fleece/Rain Mac (optional)
School hat 



Red and white striped dress (no checks)       

Grey shorts  

School sunhat or plain red or blue cap/hat

Shoes: shoes or trainers – black only.

Socks should be either white with summer dresses or grey or black with shorts or trousers. In addition tights worn with the winter uniform should be may red or navy blue.

Coats/anoraks should be plain black or navy and waterproof.

PE Kit

School polo shirt, school PE shorts, trainers – all in a school PE bag marked with the child’s name.

In the winter children are allowed to wear trainers and navy track suits for Outdoor Games lessons.

Swimming: Years 4 - 6

 – swimsuit (navy), cap and towel

 – swimming trunks (navy), towel and cap

A suitable bag should be provided to carry these items.


The following uniform is available from our supplier’s website link –


Please visit the website for instructions on ordering and returns.

There is a standard delivery charge regardless of the number of items purchased.

  • School jumpers  
  • School cardigans     
  • School sweatshirt 
  • School sweat-cardigan                                 
  • Polo shirts 
  • PE shorts
  • School tie (elasticated/standard 39” & 45”)  
  • Hair scrunchies  
  • Sunhats 
  • Winter hats  
  • Summer dresses                                         
  • Fleece (reversible)  
  • Rain Mac
  • Book Bags
  • PE Bags
  • Rucksacks


If you have any questions regarding the system please do not hesitate to contact our suppliers – Stitch Design – on 01256 771999.

All other uniform can be obtained from most chain stores/supermarkets.

The following can be purchased from the school office: School Ties, Swimming Hats 

All items of uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Hair should be clean, tidy and in a style which is in keeping with the formality of school life. Shaved heads, dyed hair, tramlines, stepped and ridged haircuts, patterns, shaved sides and shaved eyebrows are not acceptable.  Long hair should be tied up with plain navy or red hair bands or school scrunchies – beads are not permitted for Health and Safety reasons. 


No jewellery should be worn at school. This includes earrings. Watches may be worn, other than for PE lessons. Earrings and other jewellery pose a danger both to the child wearing them and other children around them, particularly in the playground or in a PE lesson. We ask for your support in not allowing your child to wear earrings to school. If you wish to have your child’s ears pierced, we ask that you do this at the beginning of the holiday so that by September they will be able to take the earrings out before coming to school each day.


Wellington boots may be worn in extreme weather but must be changed on arrival at school.  Boots are not permitted.

This policy supports our approach to health and safety, as we aim to create a safer environment for the children in lessons and in the playground.

Please note we have an online ordering system and uniform is not sold by the school directly.