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Our Parish Church - St Joseph’s, Roehampton


Our Parish Church is St Joseph’s in Roehampton and Father Louis is the Parish Priest.

As a school, we work hard to maintain and develop the vital relationship with our Parish.  Father Louis celebrates Mass weekly with us at either Digby Chapel, Roehampton University or at Duchesne House Chapel, the retirement home for the sisters of The Society of the Sacred Heart.  We also attend Mass at St Joseph’s at the beginning and end of each term, for Sacred Heart Feast Day and also on Holy Days of Obligation that fall on a school day.  Children also attend the parish church for visits as part of their learning in Religious Education.  This includes learning about the Sacraments. 

St Joseph’s runs the Holy Communion programme every year in the Parish.  To take part in the First Communion preparation programme, please see the website for further information about how to register.  The St. Joseph's website also will inform you of the other work they do in the parish.